'anu' as a relative clause marker

Waruno Mahdi mahdi at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Tue Feb 29 11:22:28 UTC 2000

> Older speakers of Brunei Malay appear to use /anu/ as a relative clause
> marker.  (Another 'anu' functions as a hesitation marker in BM, as in other
> dialects of Malay).  Blust 1974 reports a form /anuq/ 'which' in the
> related language Murik.
> Is a cognate form found elsewhere?  Thanks for any pointers.

Dempwolff (1938:15) has:

*anu > Tagalog _anĂ³_ "what?", Toba _anu_, Javanese _anu_, Malay _anu_,
       Ngaju _anu_ "somebody, a certain", Merina-Malagasy _ano-na_

There also are cognates in many other languages.
The given glosses above are not quite precise, I think. The meaning in Malay
is "thingummy, watchamacallit, that thing you know".

Salam,  Waruno

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