[An-lang] Proto-Dialect chains

Paz B. Naylor pnaylor at umich.edu
Tue Jul 15 05:12:15 UTC 2003

Proto-Dialect chainsThank you for starting the ball rolling again.  RIGHT ON!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Lynch 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:25 AM
  Subject: [An-lang] Proto-Dialect chains

  Andrew Pawley and I have been having a little private e-discussion, but felt it might be better to come on-list to get a wider spread of ideas.

  The query relates to the nomenclature used for protolanguages and families as opposed to proto-dialect chains and linkages. One might refer to the Polynesian subgroup, for example, and to Proto-Polynesian, as implying a (fairly) homogeneous and uniform single ancestral language. Forms labelled PPn *xyz would thus represent forms which, to the best of our knowledge, were part of that protolanguage.

  My concern is with dialect-chains. There was probably a Southern Oceanic linkage, an dialect-chain ancestral to the languages of Vanuatu and New Caledonia. To use the same nomenclature for this proto-dialect chain - i.e., Proto-Southern Oceanic - tends to imply that it is of the same nature as a more homogeneous protolanguage, which it is not.

  Nevertheless, it seems to me that it would be useful to have some fairly tight and neat way of referring to such ancestors, and not by some long-winded expression like "Ancestral Southern Oceanic dialect-chain" or some such, especially since one can legitimately also make reconstructions for such a "language", with the proviso that they are less secure and were probably more subject to internal variation than those made for protolanguages.

  My suggestion to Andy was to use lower-case p: proto-Southern Oceanic and pSOc as opposed tpo Proto-Polynesian and PPn. I felt this would be a sufficient indication of difference, and yet at the same time brief, succinct, and similar enough to existing conventions.

  Does anyone have any reactions to such a convention, or more importantly any idea on what others might have used?


  John Lynch

  "The past is not dead. It is not even past." (William Faulkner)


  John Lynch

  Pro-VC and Director Pacific Languages Unit

  Emalus Campus - USP

  PMB 072

  Port Vila. Vanuatu.

  Phone: +678 22748.  Fax:  +678 22633


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