[An-lang] linguistic archiving issues

Nicholas Thieberger thien at unimelb.edu.au
Mon Feb 7 22:58:39 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,

As it is ARC application writing season I am writing to encourage any
potential depositors with PARADISEC to build a component of funding
for archiving into your applications. Funding bodies appreciate that
the products of our research need to be safely housed in the
longterm, and this cannot be done without funds. Digital storage is
not free, and preparing data takes some time, including conversion
(if necessary) to a digital form and preparation of sufficient
descriptive material (metadata) to enable the data to be located.

PARADISEC has some indicative information costings for digitisation
and archiving here:


Please contact me if you need more information,

Nick Thieberger

Project Manager
Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures

nicholas.thieberger at paradisec.org.au
Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
University of Melbourne
Vic 3010

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