Le Maire New Guinea vocabularies

Ross Clark r.clark at AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
Thu Feb 22 05:08:06 UTC 2007

The voyage of Schouten & Le Maire in 1616 (as published in Le Maire's
journal, 1622) gave the world its first word-lists of Pacific Island
languages. The two Polynesian lists (from Niuatoputapu and Futuna) have
been untangled from the confusion of their origins and commented on by
two modern scholars (Kern and O'Reilly). Less well known are three lists
from later in the voyage, identified respectively as "Coast of New
Guinea" (actually New Ireland), "Island of Moyses" and "Island of Moo
[or Moa]". All of these appear to be Austronesian (as noted by Hadrianus
Relandus in 1706). Has anybody in recent times looked at these with a
view to identifying the languages and the words included? 

Ross Clark

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