Le Maire New Guinea vocabularies
Ross Clark
r.clark at AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
Mon Feb 26 03:09:40 UTC 2007
Since my query drew a handful of interested responses, and since the vocabularies aren't very long, I thought I would post them for all to see.
The reason for all this is that I was recently making some reference, for purposes of a lecture, to the Le Maire Polynesian vocabularies. Almost a century after they were published, Hadrianus Relandus (1706) pointed out their kinship with Malay and Malagasy, thus becoming the first Austronesianist. (The Le Maire vocabularies were _still_ the only information available on Polynesian languages!) In the same essay, Reland also deals with the New Guinea lists, and points out many obvious Austronesian words.
Incidentally, if you don't have a copy of Reland's essay handy, the relevant passages (in Latin) are reproduced in Karl H.Rensch's _The Language of the Noble Savage_ (Archipelago Press, 2000), pp.313-324.
I thought it would be good to have a clear identification of the languages and any points of interest in the vocabularies. As you may know, in the Polynesian context, one unexpected bit of information that emerged from the modern study of these lists is that the people of Niuatoputapu were not speaking Tongan in 1616, whereas nowadays they do.
Anyhow, here are the lists. I look forward to your comments.
Ross Clark
(taken from Dutch edition by W.A.Engelbrecht & P.J.van Herwerden, Martinus Nijhoff, 1945, pp.135-138. Dutch glosses very roughly translated by R.Clark)
Speech or language of the coast of New Guinea
[A bay on the east coast of New Ireland]
The King Latieuw
Coconuts Lamas
A Hen Coocq
A Pig Tembor
Bananas Tachouner
Hen's eggs Pasima Coo
Water Dan, or Daan
Fish Hissou
Small crabs Correcor
Betel or Siri leaves Nomboug Po
Betelnut Bou
Lime Camban
Oil Poom
Beads Poutai
Iron Herees
A Knife Coot
Rattan [?] Bouo
The Head Ea
Nose Nisson
Ears Talingan
Teeth Ysang
Forehead Posson Arongh
Hair Nihouge
Hand Limangh
Feet Kekeijn
Breasts Sou sou
Arms Pong liman
Tongue Hermangh
Lips Tabaing vouling
Shoulders Haliyug
Belly Balang
Back Baheing
Finger Cateling liman
Buttocks Poutong
Sleep Heim
Beard Incam besser
Eat Nam Nam
Drink Anda
Jaws or Cheeks Paring
Throat Con con Hangh
Reed Daan
A Chair Sou
Stones Coore
Fire Eef
Land: To Land Behoul
Fish hook Iaoul
Pearl shell Corron Tanborin
Sun Naas
Moon Calangh
Stars Maemetia
Wooden club Hereris
Turtle Foun
Bone rings in nose Iaoull
Elephant's tooth Tembron bis
String, thread Calcaloun
The Sea Taas
Wooden sword Seel
Earth, or red Earth Taar
Sand Coon
Rain Ous
A sling Gimmio Halla
A wooden Spear Mareet
An Arrow Houvan
Feathers on the Arrow Tounsiet
Human blood Daar aug
Pig blood Daar de rembos
Caps that they wear Nandikea
A Canoe Takoup
To Row or paddle Gemoe Haloes
Mountains Fasser
There is none Capte andesingim ne aij
One Tika
Two Roa
Three Tola
Four Fatta
Five Lima or liman
Six Wamma
Seven Fita
Eight Wala
Nine Siwa
Ten Sangafoula
A Fruit like a small Cufi [?] Loongh
To wait Attingam
A name of a prisoner Tarhar lieuw
I don't know Kim kabbeling lougtee
Language of the Island of Moyses
[The editors identify this island, east of New Ireland, as Napakur, but it appears on my maps as Tabar]
Yes Llu
Raw wood Sagu
Bread Pouhonnori
Shoulders Carracerreram
Breasts Sou sou
Knees Pou hanking
Eye Mattanga
Let me see Matta may
Throat Comieconnon
Tongue Caramme
Beard Parre wourou
Nose Wansrugo
Bananas Hiwoundi, taboun
Will come at once Kirrekir
Pig Cambour
Coconuts Lamas
We Tata
Wait, or at once Alep [columns reversed]
One Kaou
Two Roa
Three Tolou
Four Wati
Five Rima
Six Eno
Seven Wijtsou
Eight Ejalou
Nine Siwa
Ten Sangapoulo
A hen [?] Mitoa
Club Micoura
Iron Masirim
Language of the Island of Moo, in two degrees [latitude], where the Flitsen were
[editors' footnote: should be Moa] [The editors identify this as being in the Wakdé group (Sobei language)]
Coconuts Lieu
Bananas Tandani
Pig Paro
Water Nanou
Ginger Raaij
Fish Ani
Knife Koijma
Dog Aroue
Beads Sassera
Bone Comb Marmauw
Iron Nail Bee
Bread Sagu
Bread baked in cakes Soome
Clothing of the women Maije
Armbands Sabre
Hand-bow Partina
Arrows Bare
Sleep Moune
Shoot fish Tineanij
Pig's tooth Sona
A four-legged animal Pari-wou
Sun Arduio
Five Weer-faut
Completely white bird Mari [cockatoo]
A yellow root like Curruma Aou
[editors' footnote - should be Curcuma]
White beads Sassera poute
No, no, nothing, nothing Taop, Taop
Go away Hoijda
A certain island Arti
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