Query about a Bunun example in Ogawa & Asai (1935)

TSUKIDA, Naomi tsukida at FOR.AICHI-PU.AC.JP
Tue Dec 8 03:53:14 UTC 2009

Dear Loren Billings,

I have the original at my hand.

>The free translation (in Japanese) was romanized for me a while back
>as <watasi-wa anata-ni tabe-wa selo-mono> which I think means 'I will
>eat deer for you.' The free translation (in Japanese) is on the
>previous page. Any help would be appreciated. (I also posted this
>query on the Facebook 11-ICAL page.)

The romanization is wrong. 
It is <watasi-wa nanji-ni kuwaseru-mono sika-wa>.
Nanji means "you". So the literal translation would be 
"Deer is what I make you eat." 
Free translation on the previous page would be translated as follows.
"(Don't be angry.) I will make you eat deer( and all other animals)."


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