Query about a Bunun example in Ogawa & Asai (1935)

Loren Billings sgnillib at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 10 13:54:36 UTC 2009

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to TSUKIDA Naomi (who responded on the list) and Nojima
Motoyasu (whose reply is listed at the very end of this message) for
assistance with the Japanese glosses and free translations. Thanks
also to Danny Long for willingness (if not, as it turns out,
inability) to consult Ogawa & Asai (1935) at his library.

Thanks also to two colleagues who replied to the same query on
Facebook's ICAL page (Alex François and Kazuhiro Imanishi). I will be
posting this summary there as well.


Loren A. Billings, Ph.D.
Associate professor of linguistics
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
National Chi Nan University
Puli, Nantou County 545 Taiwan

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 13:52, <nojima.motoyasu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> na iSi-damukwas  xanuvaN
> should be:
> na is-damu=ku=as hanvang.
> FUT BV-catch=1sg=2sg deer
> "I will catch deer for you."


> Best,
> Motoyasu Nojima

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