sula 'island'

David Mead mead2368 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 25 20:17:16 UTC 2010

Wikipedia reports the 'factoid' that the name of 
the large island Sulawesi in Indonesia comes from 
sula 'island' + besi 'iron', owing to the iron 
exports for which it was at one time famous.

My question is, in what language does sula mean 'island'?

I've been looking hither and yon without success, 
and even the entry for 'island' in Tryon's 
Comparative Austronesian Dictionary provides no 
clues.  Google searches of course turn up the 
Sula Islands or Sula Arcchipelago in North 
Maluku, but that doesn't get me any closer etymology-wise.

Thanks much,


P.S.  The etymology I had 'learned' years ago was 
that Celebes/Sulawesi came from sula 'fishing 
spear' (< Sanskrit) + besi 'iron'.  I think I got 
this from Abendanon, but need to recheck to make 
sure this indeed was my source.

Abendanon, E. C. 1916–1918. Voyages géologiques 
et géographiques à travers la Célèbes Centrale 
[Geological and geographical explorations across 
Central Celebes]. 3 volumes. Leyde: E.J. 
Brill.  [from pages 1391 and following (volume 3) 
contains a history of early mapping and explorations of Celebes]  
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