[An-lang] PDF?

John Lynch johnlynch123 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 21:36:45 UTC 2019

Does anyone have a PDF of the paper detailed below that they might be able
to share?


John Lynch

Maddieson, Ian. 1989. Linguo-labials. In *VICAL I (Oceanic languages):
Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics*,
ed. by Ray Harlow and Robin Hooper, 349–75. Auckland: Linguistic Society of
New Zealand.

John Lynch, FAHA
Emeritus Professor of Pacific Languages
University of the South Pacific
PMB 9072
Port Vila.  VANUATU
Phone: (+678) 25036    Mobile: (+678) 5920220    Fax: (+678) 22633
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