[An-lang] New Chapter - The Philippines at the turn of the Sixteenth Century

Malcolm Mintz mwmintz at iinet.net.au
Wed Feb 24 07:11:35 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues,


A new chapter, Chapter 17, 'Hunting and Trapping' [Intersections: The
Philippines at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century. (anu.edu.au)
<http://intersections.anu.edu.au/monograph1/mintz_hunting.html> ]


has been added to the online monograph The Philippines at the turn of the
Sixteenth Century [Intersections: The Philippines at the Turn of the
Sixteenth Century. Introduction (anu.edu.au)
<http://intersections.anu.edu.au/monograph1_contents.html> ].


New internal links have been added to the earlier chapters and updates and
corrections have been made where needed. 




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