[An-lang] Discord server for Austronesian linguists

Yuko Kitada yuyumalaysia at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 16 02:06:14 UTC 2023

Hello, everyone.
I am Yuko Kitada, an Austronesian historical linguist from Tokyo, Japan.

I made a Discord server to facilitate communication among Austronesian linguists.

Austronesian Linguists

It is a text-based communication server like a club or an ICAL dinner where we can casually communicate. It is different from the An-lang mailing list, which is more formal and scientific. Since Discord servers were initially used for chatting while online gaming, this server also aims to become a place where Austronesian linguists chat while writing papers, eating meals in their offices, and so on, or when you feel like talking. It would also be nice to meet your colleagues, whom you met online or long ago because you could leave a message, and all the messages are stored.

There are channels for students, professors, and professors emeriti, in addition to the general channel where we all gather. Other channels would be added.
Direct messages (DMs) are also available.

You could come to the Discord server with a temporary account without registration by an email address and leave anytime. So, there is still time to decide if you will participate in the Discord server after making short visits.
(Alternatively, you do not need to 'decide' whether to join or not, but you could make many short visits with temporary accounts.)

(For new Discord users who would like to register:
Discord is basically for anonymous communities, unlike Facebook. So, I recommend creating your account anonymously. You can add your real name or nickname for our server later.
For your information, I used one of my private email addresses with pseudonyms to create my Discord account, which is thus anonymous on other servers.)

Very little has been decided. We may need to fix a time for meetings first.
Let us talk about them on the Discord server.

I look forward to your participation!

Best regards,
Yuko Kitada
yukokitada at outlook.com
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