[An-lang] Resource on how Islam "is done" in Indonesia

Eline Visser eelienu at pm.me
Tue Jan 17 13:26:00 UTC 2023


I'm looking for a book or other resource about Islam in Indonesia. When annotating my texts from the Karas Islands (eastern Indonesia), I often come across concepts that I'm not familiar with and that have something to do with for example praying, holidays or remembering the dead. Usually a bit of googling gets me to a fine Wikipedia page, but I'm looking for something a bit more anthropological that describes how the main rites, holidays etc are performed/celebrated in (different parts of) Indonesia. Does something like that exist?

Example: I'm annotating a text about Maulud/Maulid, Mohammed's birthday. At some point, the speaker says they "accompany the person to the mosque", which is translated by my Indonesian assistant as "accompany Maulud to the mosque". I'm not in the field anymore and have no idea what is accompanied to the mosque on this day, and whether I should interpret the verb "accompany" literally.

Another example: The midday prayer is called lohar in the two languages I've worked with (one Papuan, one Austronesian), whereas in standard Indonesian it's called zuhur (https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salat_Zuhur). Maulud is called dikir, which resembles dhikr (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhikr). Where do these terms come from? Are they more widespread than the Karas Islands?

Eline Visser
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