[An-lang] 30th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, October 2023

LING - afla30 afla30 at ling.lu.se
Sat Mar 11 06:23:51 UTC 2023

Full Title: 30th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association
Short Title: AFLA30

Date: 19-Oct-2023 - 22-Oct-2023
Location: Lund, Sweden
Contact Person: Arthur Holmer
Meeting Email: afla30 at ling.lu.se<mailto:afla30 at ling.lu.se>
Web Site: https://eu.invajo.com/l/dbP32t8gc6<https://eu.invajo.com/l/dbP32t8gc6%20/t%20_blank%20>

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Linguistic Theories

Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2023

Meeting Description:

The Linguistics Division, Centre for Languages and Literature, at Lund University in Sweden will be hosting the 30th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA). This conference will take place from the 19th to the 22nd of October 2023.

The Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA) dates back to an initial meeting at the University of Toronto in 1994. See <uwo.ca/linguistics/research/afla/index.html>. Since then, the Association has promoted the formal study of Austronesian languages, including, but not limited to, their phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

afla30 at ling.lu.se<mailto:afla30 at ling.lu.se>

Call for Papers:

We invite submissions for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion). Submissions should ideally combine original data with a formal linguistic analysis. Submissions may be on any aspect of the grammar of Austronesian languages from a theoretical perspective.

Abstracts must be anonymous and written in English, and should be formatted for A4-size paper and 2.5cm on all four margins. Abstracts must be single-spaced and written using an 11pt font. Abstracts should be at most 2 pages (maximum one page of title and discussion, and up to another page of data and references) and must be submitted as a single PDF file (anonymizing the Document Properties there). An author may submit a maximum of two abstracts, be they solo or co-authored. We encourage submissions from graduate students and junior researchers.

Sunday, the 30th of April 2023

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