[An-lang] [CfP] LangArc-2023: 2nd international workshop on digital language archives

Hugh Paterson III sil.linguist at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 01:47:40 UTC 2023


The 2nd International Workshop on Digital Language Archives (LangArc 2023)
virtual workshop on digital language archives – digital libraries that
preserve, curate, and provide online access to language data – continues
(after the initial LangArc 2021 workshop) addressing the growing need.
LangArc 2023 will explore a broad scope of issues related to digital
language archives. This includes challenges and opportunities, strategies
and solutions for: facilitating depositing and improving access;
information organization, architecture, and retrieval; quality assurance;
usability; ethical issues; ways of encouraging reuse of deposited data in
research and education; and coursework and other training for information
professionals that will develop and maintain digital language archives.
This workshop is expected to support interdisciplinary collaboration among
information professionals, linguists, educators, representatives of
language communities (including indigenous and other underrepresented),
students, and other interested audiences.

See full call here: https://easychair.org/cfp/LangArc2023

Important dates:

May 14, 2023 AOE: deadline for submission of short papers (1500-2000 words)
May 30, 2023 AOE: notification of acceptance and reviewers' feedback
returned to authors of submission
June 14, 2023 AOE: deadline for submission of the final version of accepted
short paper (revised based on reviewers' feedback)
June 25, 2023: registration deadline for authors of accepted submissions
(at least one author must be registered for JCDL 2023 conference at
June 26-30, 2023: JCDL 2023 main conference
June 30, 2023: workshop date

Kind Regards,
Hugh Paterson III
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