[An-lang] Provisional answers to the questions about papers for 16-ICAL

Yuko Kitada yuyumalaysia at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 28 08:00:14 UTC 2023

Dear Colleagues,

This is Yuko Kitada writing again.

Professor Shirley Dita said that she would announce the Call for Papers for 16-ICAL soon; however, she kindly provided me with some information on the papers that we are supposed to submit by sharing the document of the Call for Papers for 16-ICAL.

I am writing because I asked the questions on the An-lang mailing list. These answers must benefit some of you.
(I have already shared the information on the 16-ICAL thread with the members of the Discord community 'Austronesian Linguists', which I moderate (https://discord.gg/SryHDbWT).)

However, please note that this information is only as of today (November 28th 2023) and was obtained by my interpretation of the Call for Papers' document.
Please refer to the latest information that Professor Dita will provide.

According to the document, the answers are the following (as of November 28):

Q1. When and where are these papers going to be published?
A1. The following journals will release a special issue for the selected papers that were presented in the 16-ICAL:
1) The Archive: https://www.journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/archive
2) The Philippine Journal of Linguistics: https://www.pjl-phil.com/

The release of the special issues depends on the schedule of publications of the journals.

Q2. Are they going to be peer reviewed?
A2. Yes. Your papers will be peer-reviewed in both journals.
cf. Editorial consultants for the Philippine Journal of Linguistics

Q3. Will we have a chance to revise the manuscript to reflect discussions at the conference (or even withdraw a paper if this becomes relevant after the presentation)?
A3. Yes. You can revise the manuscript or withdraw it because the deadline for the special issues in the two journals is one month after the conference.

In addition, there are the following reminders:
1. Submission of full papers to these journals (The Archive and PJL) is not obligatory. Authors have the option to submit their full papers elsewhere.
2. Please note that these journals have their own submission process as well. The style and format are published in the websites of the said journals. All submissions will go through double-blind review.
3. Deadline of submissions of the full papers will be a month after the conference to give ample time to the authors to incorporate suggestions and comments during the presentations of the papers at the conference.
4. The release of the special issues depends on the schedule of publications of the journals.

To Professor Dita: Please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you!

Best regards,
Yuko Kitada
yukokitada at outlook.com
Austronesian Linguists' Discord community: http://discord.gg/ZmUzRqssBB
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