Arabic-L:Responses to Queries

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Jul 6 15:12:23 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Fri 06 Jul 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Response to Arabic Language Center/Cairo query
2) Subject: Response to transliteration query
3) Subject: Response to transliteration query
4) Subject:Response to Conversational Implicature Query

Date: 06 Jul 2001
From: Wim Raven <Raven at>
Subject:  Response to Arabic Language Center/Cairo query

1) When you don't want to dive into Arabic too deeply and you have no
linguistic or literary interest, it is certainly useful to concentrate on
colloquial Arabic.
2) Don't know the Arabic Language Center in Cairo, but several students of
mine had good experiences with the I.L.I in Sahafeyeen, Cairo. Addres:

Best wishes,
Wim Raven

Date: 06 Jul 2001
From: Response to transliteration query
Subject: Ibrahim4 Ahmed4 <ibhims2 at>

For Arabic transilation software place contact sakhr company at
Egypt. It has the useful program name Al-wafi ÇáæÇÝí I really found
it useful for my Ph.D research.or you may buy the al-mawrid software
with my thanks

Date: 06 Jul 2001
From: Response to transliteration query
Subject: jolandaguardi <jolandaguardi at>

[moderator's note: this message contained the font mentioned as an
attachment.  Since I don't post attachments on Arabic-L, if you want
to try it you might contact jolanda directly--Dil]

If you are just looking for a font the best one for arabic is Tmjl
best regards,
jolanda guardi

Date: 06 Jul 2001
From: Ibrahim4 Ahmed4 <ibhims2 at>
Subject: Response to Conversational Implicature Query

I am doing my Ph.D at the same area: Evaluation of Computer based
teaching of Arabic as a foreign language. I advice to to the Corder
book in analysi the sources of errors, beside the Arabic phonteics
books such as  ãÍãÏ ßãÇ á ÈÔÑ æ ÃÍãÏ ÚãÑ ãÎÊÇÑ please note that there
are some journals conectrates on this are such as AATA.
With my thanks

End of Arabic-L: 06 Jul 2001

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