Arabic-L:GEN:Arabic HTML Package response

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Jul 3 22:42:50 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Wed 03 Jul 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabic HTML Package
2) Subject:Arabic HTML Package

Date:  03 Jul 2002
From:GnhBos at
Subject:Arabic HTML Package

Hi Martha,

Sakhr's NasherNet is only $199.00 for this list members (it is listed
at $299.00 on our website). Support is available via email, directly or
through AramediA, to Sakhr's top technical support team. They usually
respond within 24 working hours. Using a calling card, you may reach
them for pennies a minute on the telephone, that's much less than
the 900 number charged by reputable US software vendors.

NasherNet is "three tools in one" package: Web Editor, Publisher, and

MS Arabic Office XP, including a trial FrontPage 2002 version, and MS
Arabic Word 2000 are also available at AramediA. As always, Arabic-L
subscribers get some discount.

George N. Hallak
617-825-3044 Fax 617-265-9648

Date:  03 Jul 2002
From:waleed at
Subject:Arabic HTML Package

Greetings to the desert in Tucson,

Dreamweaver is not particularly designed to support Arabic text, though
if you visit Macromedia's website you will find a patch that can make
you write script from right to left. As you might have guessed it it is
not the easiest to use nor does it produce the best results.

However, as is always the case with the Arab adverturers that have
always defied the odds there is a way around this that enables you to
enlist the capabilities of probably the best web design programme in the

It is all at the top of the html code. If you write in the tag that the
HTML language is ARABIC then the programme has no problems with it. It
will publish the site on the net in Arabic but it won't display it in
its window in Arabic. What you will see is the usual extraterrestrial
code that nobody understands.

My suggestion is then not to write the Arabic text directly into
Dreamweaver but to cut and paste the text from any word processor. The
only thing to pay particular attention to when doing this is to make
sure that the operating system you are using is totally Arabic enabled,
otherwise the text that you cut from the word processor will get messed
up in the clipboad and will be pasted in Dreamweaver in a language that
no-one on this earth knows (except our alien friends).

Here are some (place before the 'head' tag) I sucessfully used:
1=<html  lang="AR">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ar-sa">
<html dir="rtl">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ar-sa">

Best of luck,
Dr. Waleed Al-Amri

End of Arabic-L:  03 Jul 2002

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