Arabic-L:GEN:Inquiry into "flouting the maxim"

Nathan Arp nja9 at
Tue Dec 14 20:51:23 UTC 2004

Arabic-L: Tue 14 Dec  2004
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Inquiry into "flouting the maxim"

Date: 14 Dec  2004
From:rihab005 at 
Subject:Inquiry into "flouting the maxim"

Dear  sir,
      I'm  a  Ph.D  student  at  the  department  of  English -  
college  of  Arts - Baghdad  university . In  my  study  I  want  to   
investigate  how  children  might  come  to  work  out  implicatures   
that  arise  from  flouting  the  maxim  of  relevance  when  reading   
short  stories . I  would  be  greatly  thankful  if  you  help  me   
in  finding  some  sources  of  information  or  articles  that  deal   
with  flouts  exploiting  the  maxim  of  relevance . I'd  also  like   
to  know  whether  or  not  there  has  been  any  investigation  of   
this  topic   in  Arabic . And  I  would  appreciate  if  you  give   
me  some  examples  illustrating  the  topic. With  my  best  regards .
Miss  Rihab  Al-Attar
e-mail: rihab005 at 

End of Arabic-L:  14 Dec  2004

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