Arabic-L:PEDA:ACTFL seeking help with Proficiency Guidelines

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Fri Feb 6 16:56:14 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Fri 06 Feb 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:ACTFL seeking help with Proficiency Guidelines

Date: 06 Feb 2009
From:Mahmoud Al-Batal <albatal at AUSTIN.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject:ACTFL seeking help with Proficiency Guidelines

Dear Arabic language educator,

ACTFL is currently collaborating with a number of Arabic Flagship  
Programs to build consensus regarding:

1) The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines as they apply to Arabic, and
2) The testing of spoken Arabic using the ACTFL Oral Proficiency  
Interview (OPI).

The results of the consensus building will serve to inform the 2010  
revision of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and help develop  
explanatory notes for Arabic. These notes will accompany the ACTFL  
Generic Guidelines and contribute to future OPI tester training in  
Arabic.  In order to gain input from the field at large,  a survey  
that addresses several proposed points of consensus has been designed  
and posted online for your comment.

I am writing at this time to ask you to contribute to this effort by  
responding to our short survey, the results of which will be presented  
and discussed at a national meeting in April. Your input will be of  
great value to us and we would be appreciative if you could complete  
the survey by Feb. 25, 2009.

To begin the survey, please click on the web link below. It will  
direct you to the Survey Monkey website, where the points of consensus  
are posted. You may respond to each statement by selecting a degree of  
agreement on a scale from 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree).  
You can also write comments in the text box following each statement.  
Comments need not be extensive, and bulleted comments are fine. The  
survey site is:

Thank you for your interest in ACTFL, the Arabic Flagship Programs,  
and Arabic language education and assessment.

Dr. Elvira Swender, Director
ACTFL Professional Programs
3 Barker Avenue - Suite 300
White Plains, NY 10601
Tel:  (914) 963.8830  Ext. 238
Fax: (914) 963.1275
Email: eswender at<mailto:eswender at>

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