Arabic-L:PEDA:Digital Dialects site

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Jan 10 16:53:59 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Mon 10 Jan 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: Digital Dialects site

Date: 10 Jan 2011
From: craigjg at
Subject: Digital Dialects site

I would like to suggest a section of my website as a link for inclusion on your sites. I have a few interactive games for acquiring Arabic vocabulary (with a few more pending assistance from a translator) available on my website at

You might call the link something like 'Digital Dialects Arabic or whatever you wish. A usual description might be 'Interactive games for learning the Arabic language'.

Kind regards
Craig Gibson

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