Arabic-L:GEN:Needs MESA roommate

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 1 18:26:38 UTC 2012

Arabic-L: Thu 01 Nov 2012
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs MESA roommate

Date: 01 Nov 2012
From:Ahmed S. Muhamed asm298 at
Subject:Needs MESA roommate

I hope this message finds well. I would like to participate in the coming
MESA conference, and I do not have a roommate and without a roommate I may
not be able to participate because of the high cost of accommodation there.
Please do you know any one who wants to share a room ? Would be Ok to send
an email about this to the Arabic-L. Any help or suggestions would be

All the best,

End of Arabic-L: 01 Nov 2012
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