Arabic-L:PEDA:Most Used Arabic Textbooks

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 12 23:56:00 UTC 2013

Arabic-L: Wed 12 May 2013
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks
2) Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks
3) Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks

Date: 12 May 2013
From:A Alfaifi <afaifi at>
Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks

هناك سلسلة اسمهاالعربية بين يديك
ويمكن شراؤها عن طريق الإنترنت
هذه السلسلة تصدرها العربية للجميعوهي تدرس في بعض معاهد تعليم اللغة العربية
للناطقين بغيرها في الجامعات السعوديةمثل جامعة الملك سعود في الرياض
تقبل تحياتي
عبدالله الفيفي

Date: 12 May 2013
From:Haider Bhuiyan <Haider.Bhuiyan at>
Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks

Another could be Ahlan wa sahlan including Workbook by Mahdi Aloush.
Best, Haider

Date: 12 May 2013
From:"ibcbooks" <ibc at>
Subject:Most Used Arabic Textbooks

The course materials that American Universities purchase the most from
International Book Centre is the Samar Attar series:

S. Attar, "Modern Arabic" ... Student One, Workbook One, Student Two,
Workbook 2, 17 Cassettes, ;part of the series: " Modern Arabic The
Arab-European Encounter for Advanced Course"  by Attar and "Grammar in
Context for advanced students".

Universities also utilize Reading books in Arabic example: " A Reader in
Modern Literary Arabic" by F. Ziadeh, "Let's Read the Newspaper Arabic" by
H. Rowland, "Contemporary Arabic Readers Newspaper Arabic" by E. McCarus and
"Errors In English Among Arabic Speakers: Analysis and Remedy" by N. Kharma.

Hope this helps.

International Book Centre

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