Elizabeth Pyatt: Irish Clitic Article

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at psu.edu
Wed Aug 7 17:00:13 UTC 2002

FYI - There's an article by Antony Green about Irish clitics in the
new book "Clitics in Phonology Morphology and Syntax"

Please see details below from the Linguist List review.


P.S. Celtling members - please feel free to submit any of your
articles or projects to the list that may be of interest.


>Date:  Tue, 06 Aug 2002 21:17:44 +0000
>From:  Rob O'Connor <MFUXJRO2 at fs1.art.man.ac.uk>
>Subject:  Gerlach & Grijzenhout, Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax
>Gerlach, Birgit and Janet Grijzenhout, eds. (2001)
>Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax.
>John Benjamins Publishing Company, ix+441pp,
>hardback ISBN 90-272-2757-8 (Europe) / 1-55619- 799-3 (US),
>EUR 114.00 / USD 105.00, Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 36.
>Book Announcement on Linguist:
>This book is announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/12/12-625.html#1
>Rob O'Connor, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester.
>Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax consists of an
>introductory chapter by the editors, thirteen papers and two indexes
>(name and subject).  It grew out of a workshop on clitics organised by
>the editors at the 1999 meeting of the German Society of Linguistics
>in Konstanz.
>The introductory chapter by Gerlach & Grijzenhout (Clitics from
>different perspectives) is a short overview of phonological,
>morphological and syntactic principles in current research on clitics.
>There are brief discussions of the prosodic category 'clitic group'
>proposed by Nespor & Vogel (1986) and Hayes (1989); the notion of
>'clitic' as a morphological category; the properties of, and
>allomorphic processes within, clitic clusters; two types of syntactic
>approach to cliticisation based on a) movement of clitics to their
>surface positions, and b) base generation of clitics in their surface
>positions; and difficulties presented by clitic doubling and clitic
>placement in Slavic languages for purely syntactic approaches.  Where
>appropriate, the editors refer to relevant chapters from the book.

>The chapter by Green (The prosodic representation of clitics in Irish)
>examines multiple prosodic structures in Irish proclitic-host
>sequences.  He presents evidence that the default structure is for the
>clitic to attach to the phonological phrase containing the prosodic
>word of the host.  However, when a vowel-final clitic precedes a
>vowel- initial host vowel deletion and resyllabification affect the
>clitic-host prosodic structure.  Based on Selkirk (1995)'s Optimality
>Theory (OT) approach to variable prosodic structure of clitic-host
>sequences, Green proposes that in these circumstances all or part of a
>clitic is prosodically incorporated into the host's prosodic word
>contrary to the default structure.


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