Fwd: [GAEILGE-B] Gaeltacht Scholarships

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at psu.edu
Mon Aug 12 12:17:30 UTC 2002

Announcement of scholarshiprs for learning Irish in Donegal. Classes
start this Friday.

>Reply-To: Seán Mac Suibhne <smacsuibhne at CONNECT.IE>
>Sender: Lucht Foghlamtha na Gaeilge <gaeilge-b at LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
>From: Seán Mac Suibhne <smacsuibhne at CONNECT.IE>
>Subject:      [GAEILGE-B] Gaeltacht Scholarships
>Scolaireachtaí Gaeltachta / Gaeltacht Scholarships
>Taisce Árainn Teoranta are offering 5 scholarships for their Irish
>Language and Cultural Course which will be held on Árainn Mhór
>Island in Donegal between the 16 - 23 August 2002.
>These scholarships will be made available to adults who wish to
>improve their Irish Language skills. The scholarships cover the
>costs of classes and activities, they do not cover travel or
>accomodation costs.
>If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you may do so by ringing
>075-21593. Scholarships are limited and will be awarded on a first
>come, first served basis.
>Further information on courses and the island may be had on our websites:
>http://www.foghlaim.com     and     http://www.arainnmhor.com
>Scolaireachtaí Gaeltachta / Gaeltacht Scholarships
>Tá Taisce Árainn Teoranta ag tairiscint 5 scoláireacht fá choinne
>cúrsa Gaeilge agus Cultúrtha ar Oileán Árainn Mhór i dTír Chonaill
>don chúrsa 16-23 Lúnasa 2002.
>Tá na scoláireachtaí seo curtha ar fáil do dhaoine fásta atá ag
>iarraidh an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim. Clúdaíonn siad ranganna agus
>imeachtaí. Ní chlúdaíonn siad taisteal nó lóistín.
>Más maith leat cur isteach ar scoláireacht ní gá ach scairt a chur
>ar 075-21593 go luath.
>Breis eolais ar:
>http://www.foghlaim.com  &  http://www.arainnmhor.com
>--------Gaeilge-B ( Foghlaimeoirí na Gaeilge - Irish Learners )
>rialacha teanga:  Gaeilge is fearr nó teanga eile - Irish encouraged
>rialacha iompair: Meas ar dhuine - Respect for others
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