finding errors

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Fri Jul 25 14:25:07 UTC 2003

Charles and Info-ChiBolts,

 Try this command:

kwal +s"[\**"  sample.cha

There is one error in the sample.cha file and this command finds it.  I
think the thing you were missing was the need for the backslash before the
first asterisk so that it would be treated as a literal asterisk and not a
wildcard.  The second one is the wildcard.

The reason I am including the second asterisk is because we recently
opened up the on-line [*] code so that it could include some material, as
*CHI:   Me [* I] is going.

The idea  is that you can put the target right after the asterisk and the
space just to save the work of making a separate %err line.  This seems to
work well for the majority of errors.

--Brian MacW

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