Japanese MOR
Susanne Miyata
smiyata at asu.aasa.ac.jp
Thu Oct 14 08:50:47 UTC 2004
Hi, Linda,
the problem is caused by the fact that you are apparently using two
different versions of Wakachi and JMOR,
namely WAKACHI98, which has been updated to Wakachi2002, and JMOR02
(which had an earlier version matching WAKACHI98).
You can find the current Wakachi at the JCHAT homepage
http://jchat.cyber.sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp/JCHAT/index.html under
"Services", or directly at
If you have to change your data from WAKACHI98 to Wakachi2002, you
may want to do systematic replacement and use a replace file (using
the not chstring but the simple replace funtion, with a
replace.cut). I can send you (and to anybody else interested) my own
replace.cut file.
At 10:34 -0400 04.10.13, Cote, Linda (NIH/NICHD) wrote:
>Good morning,
>We have two questions about Japanese MOR.
>First, how do we parse compound verbs in Japanese MOR? In Suzanne
>Miyata's JCHAT Manual (chapter 29), it says to do it one way (e.g.,
>tabetekuru is parsed as v:v|tabe-tekur-PRES) and in the
>WAKACHI.doc file that is part of the downloadable JMOR program from
>the CHILDES website, it says to do it another way (e.g., for the
>same compound verb tabetekuru). (Basically JCHAT Manual does not
>count the 2nd verb in the compound verb as a separate morpheme,
>whereas WAKACHI.doc does.)
>Second, in Miyata's JCHAT Manual, mitai is categorized as SMOD
>(Sentence modalizer) but in Wakachi it's categorized as an auxiliary
>verb (v:aux|mitai-PRES). Which is correct? (The SMOD category does
>not seem to be listed in Miyata's JCHAT Manual).
>We think that when Miyata's JCHAT Manual and Wakachi.doc conflict,
>that the Japanese MOR program follows Wakachi.doc, in terms of the
>choices it gives you. Is this correct?
>Thank you,
>Linda R. Cote, Ph.D.
>Research Scientist and Statistical Contractor
>Child & Family Research
>National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
>Suite 8030
>6705 Rockledge Drive
>Bethesda, MD 20892-7971
>Telephone: (301) 496-6832
>Fax: (301) 496-2766
>E-mail: <mailto:cotel at cfr.nichd.nih.gov>cotel at cfr.nichd.nih.gov
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