clan on Kubuntu

Jamie Smith jms2cor4 at
Wed Jan 9 20:35:50 UTC 2008

FWIW, when I first tried to compile CLAN I hit a snag. I thought about
posting our solution to the list at the time in case it might be useful to
anyone else, but I didn't and now the details are fuzzy. Our default
compiler didn't work -- I believe because of a specific now-deprecated
element in the code. Once we switched temporarily to an older compiler, it
worked perfectly.

After I wrote that paragraph I saw Leonid's latest message, and now I am
curious about whether we just needed to uncomment those two lines in the
makefile. I believe fwritable-strings may have caused the hiccup for our


On Jan 9, 2008 2:06 PM, lolatorresrios at <lolatorresrios at>

> I have very limited experience compiling from source. That's why I
> tried the wine workaround first.
> So, do I have to compile each command separately? Once I have them
> compiled, and installed, can I run the commands from the terminal?
> With the CHAT files as parameters, I supose?
> Thank you very much,
> Lola Torres
> On 9 ene, 20:17, Leonid Spektor <spek... at> wrote:
>> Lola,
>>     For Linux you can download CLAN only applications from:
>> Each CLAN command is compiled as a separate application on Unix/Linux.
> And
>> you can run them as any normal Unix command. You will need a gcc
> compiler to
>> create CLAN application, though. Wine un Linux is useful if you want to
> use
>> very specific features of CLAN editor. Otherwise you can use any Unicode
>> text editor to edit CHAT files.
>> Leonid.
>> On 09-01-08 13:40, "lolatorresr... at" <lolatorresr... at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to run the CLAN program in Kubuntu through Wine. Although
>>> it does run fine, I've found a problem when I try to run a command.
>>> The command window doesn't let me change the directories (lib, morlib,
>>> output...). I tried to hand edit the configuration file (CED.prefs),
>>> but it's a little bit confusing.
>>> Is there an easier way to run Clan on Linux?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Lola Torres

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