New way to transcribe song lyrics?

Lulu lulusong at
Tue Feb 25 16:45:10 UTC 2020

Dear Brian,

Thanks for your reply! You are right -- I double checked the manual and 
found that the parts about songs and singing remained the same in the 
latest manual. My transcriber thought one part was taken out but was 
apparently mistaken.

She used to transcribe lyrics in two ways:
<lyrics> [=! singing]

But I think you just provided a third way (as quotations) which may be more 
preferable. The manual also mentioned of treating large chunks as regular 
speech and put singing in comments. If we are transcribing the morning 
meetings in preschool classrooms, which way do you think would be the best 
way to transcribe the singing of the teacher and children?

Thanks again!


On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 7:48:16 PM UTC-5, macw wrote:
> Dear Lulu,
>      I can't think of any change at any point that was specifically about 
> marking songs.  I think perhaps you are referring to a change made three 
> years ago in the method for marking quotations.  If that is what you are 
> referring to, then there is indeed an easy way of marking that a whole 
> utterance is a quotation.  This is to precede the utterance with +"   Is 
> that possibly what you might be referring to?
> -- Brian MacWhinney, Teresa Heinz
> Professor of Cognitive Psychology,
> Computational Linguistics, 
> and Modern Languages, CMU
> On Feb 21, 2020, at 5:29 PM, Lulu <lulu... at <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi! My transcribers just brought to my attention that the new CHAT manual 
> changed the way how song lyrics should be transcribed from the previous 
> manual. Specifically, instead of marking a whole utterance as a verse in a 
> song with a symbol at the beginning and the end of the verse respectively, 
> now the transcriber would need to add a symbol AFTER EACH WORD. The new way 
> seems very labor-intensive. Is that right? Why the change? If it has to be 
> done that way, is there any method to make it easier for the transcriber?
> Any insights or tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
> Lulu Song
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