Beginning and ending quotes in the %mor tier

Brian Macwhinney macw at
Fri Dec 17 14:10:26 UTC 2021

Dear Daisuke,
     My apologies.  I thought that I replied just after removing that material from the manual.  The file that is used to control this is called punct.cut.  The first two characters there are important for delineating pre and post material and the comma is included there too.  In general, commas should be used sparingly, because they do impact the GRASP parse.

— Brian MacWhinney
Teresa Heinz Professor of Cognitive Psychology, 
Language Technologies and Modern Languages, CMU

> On Dec 17, 2021, at 2:04 AM, Daisuke Miyamoto <dmiyamoto at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Two weeks ago, I sent an email asking you about the beginning and ending quotations. Although I have not received any reply yet, I have confirmed that the MOR manual has been updated and the begging and ending quotes have been removed from the list. Thank you very much for checking that!
> Now that begging and ending quotes do not have their own morphological categories, the use of quotation marks in main lines does not seem to affect the %mor and %gra tiers at all. Is my understanding correct?
> Best,
> Daisuke Miyamoto
> the University of Tokyo
> 2021年12月4日土曜日 12:39:36 UTC+9 Daisuke Miyamoto:
> Hello everyone,
> It's nice to meet you! I am a Japanese linguist working on creating CHAT files for children's second language acquisition.
> I would like to ask you about how beginning and ending quotes are treated in the %mor tier. In p.11 of the MOR manual (, it is said that the file punct.cut contains the following entries as punctuation marks. 
> „  {[scat end]} "end" 
> ‡  {[scat beg]} "beg" 
> ,  {[scat cm]} "cm" 
> “  {[scat bq]} "bq" 
> ”  {[scat eq]} "eq" 
> ‘ {[scat bq]} “bq2” 
> ’ {[scat eq]} “eq2” 
> But actually, punct.cut in my MOR folder (downloaded on 12th, August, 2021) contains only the first three punctuations (end, beg, cm), and neither beginning quotes nor ending quotes are included in it.
> As a result, the following two main lines are indistinguishable in the %mor tier:
> *CHI:	he said you are lucky „ didn't he ?
> %mor:	pro:sub|he v|say&PAST pro:per|you cop|be&PRES adj|luck&dn-Y end|end
> 	mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|he ?
> *CHI:	he said “ you are lucky ” „ didn't he ?
> %mor:	pro:sub|he v|say&PAST pro:per|you cop|be&PRES adj|luck&dn-Y end|end
> 	mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|he ?
> Is this as expected? 
> Best,
> Daisuke Miyamoto
> -- 
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