Differences in MOR output using macOS and Linux

Leandro Garber leandrogarber at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 15:02:30 UTC 2025

Hi Leonid !

My bad, I thought my Spa grammar was updated but there was a newer version.
Updating it did the trick, thanks.

I also tried out batchalign morphosyntax, nice work thanks. I could make it
work and it seems to have done a good job with some minor errors.

Best regards,


El mié, 29 ene 2025 a la(s) 3:27 p.m., Leandro Garber (
leandrogarber at gmail.com) escribió:

> Thanks Leonid, I'll check them all out as well as the website.
> Cheers,
> L.
> --
> leandrogarber.info
> El mié, 29 ene 2025 a la(s) 2:58 p.m., Leonid Spektor (
> spektor at andrew.cmu.edu) escribió:
>> Hi Leandro,
>> I have created three test files from your examples in last email. I am
>> attaching those three files to this email. I don't know if chibolts allows
>> email attachments or not, so I am copying this email to your email account
>> directly.
>> The spa-l.cha file was created by MOR command on Mac Unix. The spa-w.cha
>> was created by MOR on Windows 11. The spa-m.cha file was created by MOR on
>> Mac. All three of those files have identical %mor tiers and MOR created:
>> n|cosa&f-PL=thing.
>> The %mor tiers were created during my test. The %xwr: tiers are from your
>> email created by your Windows and the %xlm: tiers are from your email
>> created by your Linux. I don't know why your Linux creates
>> "n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing". This usually happens if you do not
>> run POST command. POST disambiguates words.
>> My best guess for your Windows result is that there is something wrong in
>> the Windows system. Or Spa grammar on your Windows is not the same as on
>> your Linux. You can get spa grammar from web page
>> https://talkbank.org/morgrams/.
>> We are trying to move away from MOR command and grammar to Universal
>> Dependencies system. On the web page https://talkbank.org/ look at
>> section "ASR and Morphosyntax" and Batchalign2 command.
>> Leonid.
>> On Jan 29, 2025, at 09:40, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Leonid,
>> I've just tried the latest linux version.
>> I've found some differences with Windows, specifically with words
>> cosa/coso/cosos (thing/things)
>> Windows almost always makes a mistake and parse cosa like
>> v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew
>> Linux parse it correctly: n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing (though i
>> think it should desambiguate for the second one)
>> Here some examples:
>> //////////////
>> *SIS: recién [=! alarga] va a poner sus cosas en su mochila !
>> Windows:
>> %mor: adv|recién=recently v|i-3S&PRES=go prepart|a=to inf|pone-INF=put
>> co|sus v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew prep|en=in det:poss|su&3S=his
>> n|mochila&f=backpack !
>> Linux:
>> %mor: adv|recién=recently v|i-3S&PRES=go prepart|a=to inf|pone-INF=put
>> co|sus n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing prep|en=in
>> det:poss|su&3S=his n|mochila&f=backpack !
>> //////////////
>> *MOT: dale guarda las cosa(s) !
>> Windows:
>> %mor: imp|da-2S&IMP~pro:clit|3S=give v|guarda-3S&PRES=guard
>> det:art|el&f-PL=the v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew !
>> Linux:
>> %mor: imp|da-2S&IMP~pro:clit|3S=give v|guarda-3S&PRES=guard
>> det:art|el&f-PL=the n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing !
>> ///////////////
>> *GMO: cualquier cosa vienen para casa .
>> Windows:
>> %mor: qn|cualquier&m=whichever imp|cose-3S&IMP=sew v|veni-3P&PRES=come
>> prep|para=for n|casa&f=house .
>> Linux:
>> %mor: qn|cualquier&m=whichever n|cosa&f=thing^n|coso-f=thing
>> v|veni-3P&PRES=come prep|para=for n|casa&f=house .
>> ///////////////
>> *MOT: las dos cosas mamá las dos cosas . [+ CHI]
>> Windows:
>> %mor: det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew
>> n|mamá&f=mommy det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
>> v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew .
>> Linux:
>> %mor: det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
>> n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing n|mamá&f=mommy
>> det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
>> n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing .
>> --
>> leandrogarber.info
>> El vie, 24 ene 2025 a la(s) 11:17 a.m., Leandro Garber (
>> leandrogarber at gmail.com) escribió:
>>> That's great Leonid, thanks ! I'll test it on Tuesday and let you know !
>>> Cheers
>>> El vie, 24 ene 2025, 7:01, Leonid Spektor <spektor at andrew.cmu.edu>
>>> escribió:
>>>> Hi Leandro,
>>>> I have finally found the problem and fixed it. I have tested it on Mac
>>>> Unix. I assume it will also work on Linux. Let me know if you have any
>>>> problems with Unix CLAN. New UnixCLAN is on the web.
>>>> Leonid.
>>>> On Jan 23, 2025, at 16:31, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Leonid, thank you very much for your reply.
>>>> I think you are on the right track, I recall the differences could be
>>>> caused by something like that. I don't know the technical details about
>>>> lexicon implementations but I can check it out as well and see if I
>>>> discover something.
>>>> I can send you examples next Tuesday that I'll be on my office computer.
>>>> Right now I just remember there were problems with some diminutives
>>>> (i.e perro (dog) -> perrito (little dog)) (not all)
>>>> I'm glad you have the time to work on this.
>>>> Best,
>>>> L.
>>>> --
>>>> leandrogarber.info
>>>> El jue, 23 ene 2025 a la(s) 6:22 p.m., Leonid Spektor (
>>>> spektor at andrew.cmu.edu) escribió:
>>>>> Hi Leandro,
>>>>> I am still trying to figure out why Mac/Windows and Unix outputs are
>>>>> different. I noticed that on Mac/Windows words with accents like "móntale"
>>>>> and striped of accents and are converted to stem "monta". The word
>>>>> "móntale" is not in the lexicon, so striping accents occurs before the word
>>>>> is looked up in the lexicon list. On Unix the accents are not striped, so
>>>>> MOR can't find "móntale" word anywhere in the Spanish lexicon. I did not
>>>>> create Spanish grammar, so it takes a long time for me to figure out where
>>>>> the conversion occurs.
>>>>> Is this the difference in Windows and Linux you are noticing? Or can
>>>>> you give me an example of the difference in outputs that you are referring
>>>>> to in your email?
>>>>> I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on this.
>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>> On Jan 22, 2025, at 12:21, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone, I hope you are starting 2025 great.
>>>>> Just wanted to report that I've just downloaded the latest Linux
>>>>> version and I'm getting different outputs on Linux compared to Windows (not
>>>>> Mac this time as the title suggests). I've been able to run Windows version
>>>>> with Wine emulator in order to do the comparison.
>>>>> On linux I'm running:
>>>>> /path/to/mor -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>> /path/to/post +d/path/to/lib/spa/post.db my_cha_file.cha
>>>>> /path/to/postmortem -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>> /path/to/megrasp -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>> Am I missing something?
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> L.
>>>>> El Tuesday, December 28, 2021 a la(s) 4:29:28 PM UTC-3, Leandro Garber
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> That was fast.
>>>>>> I've just downloaded it, compiled it, and yes, it works like a charm.
>>>>>> Files are identical now.
>>>>>> Thanks for your help and happy new year.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> leandrogarber.info
>>>>>> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 15:47, Leonid Spektor (<
>>>>>> spe... at andrew.cmu.edu>) escribió:
>>>>>>> The Unix bug has been fixed. New UNIX code is on the web.
>>>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>>>> On Dec 28, 2021, at 13:38, Leandro Garber <leandr... at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Brian and Leonid for your time, I hope I didn't spoil your
>>>>>>> holidays !
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Leandro.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> leandrogarber.info
>>>>>>> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 15:21, Leonid Spektor (<
>>>>>>> spe... at andrew.cmu.edu>) escribió:
>>>>>>>> Apparently there is a bug in Unix MOR code that fails to read
>>>>>>>> pre-post rules file. I am working on this right now and I will let everyone
>>>>>>>> know when it is fixed.
>>>>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>>>>> > On Dec 28, 2021, at 13:17, Brian Macwhinney <ma... at andrew.cmu.edu>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I guess Leonid didn’t include PREPOST in the Unix distribution.
>>>>>>>> We are all on vacation this week and next.  Any chance you could rely on
>>>>>>>> Mac OS instead?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > — Brian
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >> On Dec 28, 2021, at 12:33 PM, Leandro Garber <
>>>>>>>> leandr... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Dear Brian,
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Thanks for your quick response. I can't find a "prepost" binary
>>>>>>>> in my bin folder, is it named something different ?
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> >> Leandro.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>>>> >> leandrogarber.info
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 13:57, Brian Macwhinney (<
>>>>>>>> ma... at andrew.cmu.edu>) escribió:
>>>>>>>> >> Dear Leandro,
>>>>>>>> >>    It appears that on Linux, you are not running the PREPOST
>>>>>>>> program, which is a step in the MOR-PREPOST-POST-POSTMORTEM-MEGRASP chain
>>>>>>>> on Mac.  For your two examples, I think that the Mac version is better.
>>>>>>>> So, I would recommend either relying on that or else running PREPOST on
>>>>>>>> Linux also.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> — Brian MacWhinney
>>>>>>>> >> Teresa Heinz Professor of Cognitive Psychology,
>>>>>>>> >> Language Technologies and Modern Languages, CMU
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>> On Dec 28, 2021, at 11:47 AM, Leandro Garber <
>>>>>>>> leandr... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> We are processing some CHA files with MOR and we are finding
>>>>>>>> differences between the same files processed on Linux and on MacOS.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Both using the latest version of MOR for english downloaded
>>>>>>>> from https://talkbank.org/morgrams/
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Some examples:
>>>>>>>> >>> -------------------
>>>>>>>> >>> *FA1:        well it ended up there in your pile
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> MacOS:
>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        co|well pro:per|it v|end-PAST prep|up n|there
>>>>>>>> prep|in det:poss|your
>>>>>>>> >>>        n|pile .
>>>>>>>> >>> Linux:
>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        co|well pro:per|it v|end-PAST adv|up adv|there
>>>>>>>> prep|in
>>>>>>>> >>>        det:poss|your n|pile .
>>>>>>>> >>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>> >>> *MA1:        Morgan doesn't bite .
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> MacOS:
>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        n:prop|Morgan mod|do&3S~neg|not v|bite .
>>>>>>>> >>> Linux:
>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        n:prop|Morgan mod|do&3S~neg|not n|bite .
>>>>>>>> >>> -------------------------------
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> We are using CLAN from the UI in macOS and on Linux we are
>>>>>>>> using:
>>>>>>>> >>> mor +L/path/to/lib/eng [chaFilePath]
>>>>>>>> >>> post +d/path/to/lib/eng/post.db [chaFilePath]
>>>>>>>> >>> postmortem +L/path/to/lib/eng $1
>>>>>>>> >>> megrasp +L/path/to/lib/eng $1
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> We found that on Linux post, postmortem and megrasp don't
>>>>>>>> automatically run so we manually do it.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Am I missing something ? Shouldn't the output be the same ?
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>> >>> Leandro.
>>>>>>>> >>>
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