info (fwd)

Thu Nov 5 04:17:32 UTC 1998

Lhush san!  --My two cents:  People born in Alaska are called sourdoughs
(in Alaska), as my family has always told me I am that.  Nice
metaphor, isn't it?  If I understand right, sourdough is made from a
culture like yeast, so it has "roots".

But back to the point... People not born in Alaska are locally called
cheechakos, which a lot of you will understand right away:  "Newcomer" or
"just got here" in Chinook Jargon.   The most likely source for the
sourdough - cheechako connection would seem to be California / San
=46rancisco gold rushers using the Jargon in order to get along in
multiethnic Northern mining camps, towns, and Native people's country, =

LhaXawy at m, nayka siXs!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 21:52:59 -0800
=46rom: Jeffrey Kopp <jeffkopp at>
To: David Lewis <coyotez at>

Otherwise, I am not at all surprised that Jargon was used in far northern
coastal California during the pioneer era; its use is said to have =
all the way to the Bay Area for at least a period of the Jargon era.  (My
impression is mainly during the gold rush.) =20

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