Final notice: Shutting down the *old* addresses for these lists

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Mon Nov 23 20:20:10 UTC 1998

Hey, everyone,

Good day.  This is to let you know that I've asked the system
administrator at our *old* server computer to shut down the *old* CHINOOK
and SALISHAN lists -- Because the *new* ones are working perfectly!

So just remember to post your messages and replies to the *above*
addresses.  For my part, I'll be gradually working on some very impressive
Intro, FAQ, Group Etiquette, and other pages that'll be sent out to new
subscribers, and on request to current ones.

May I ask, are any of you signed up for the "digest" option on either of
these lists?  Is it working well for you?

And has anyone had a look at our archives on the Web yet?

Last question:  Any suggestions about defining the "mission" of either of
these lists?  Or do you enjoy and prefer the inclusiveness that both have
displayed so far?  [Personally I suspect that the SALISH list may go
slightly more "academic", while the CHINOOK list may remain slightly less
formal, allowing for such activities as our conversations in Chinuk Wawa!]

Best wishes to all of you,

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