Alta wegt ya?im klatawa kapa Spanol

Nadja Adolf nadolf at NAVITEL.COM
Wed Aug 25 03:02:35 UTC 1999

Alta Chanday kimtah chinuk lu?lu, chaku klak nayka aw yaka haws pi klatawa
kapa Grants Pass.

(Now sunday after the Chinook Circle, I left my brother's house and went
towards Grants Pass.)

Alta, wake siah kimtah san nayka kish-kish kapa ooahut kwinnum wake siah
Cottage Grove. Alta hiyu hyas stick pi hiyu lamonte. Alta hyak chaku pulakli
keekwulli lamonte - yaka kahkwa kapswalla okoke san.

(Now, not long after sunset, I drive Hwy 5 not far from Cottage Grove. Now
there are many big trees and many mountains. Now suddenly it becomes night
below the mountains - it is like they stole that day.)

Alta ooahut klatawa kapa lamonte - enetai pi keekwullie. Alta pulakli yaka
tokti - lamonte skookum, pulakli skookum, pi nayka hyas tenas yakwa. Pulakli
kahkwa yaka paseesi kapa illi?i. Illi?i yaka klukulth, wegt klukulth, wegt

(Now the highway goes through the mountains, across and down them. The night
is beautiful - the mountains are strong, the night is strong, and I am very
small here. The dark is like a blanket on the land. The land seems to go on
and on and on.)

Alta, nayka kapIt klatawa kapa moosum illi?i pi cultus klatawa lapie kapa
moosum illi?i.

I stop driving at a rest area and take a pleasure walk there.)

Tenas alqi, nayka klatawa kapa Grants Pass. Pulakli yaka lu?lu konaway ka
koosa - halo towagh kapa soghalie. Ooahut pi pulakli pi kish kish konnamoxt
drEt Lush.

(A little later, I drive to Grants Pass. The night he circles the entire sky
- there is no light up there. The highway, the night, and driving come
together very well.)

Alqi nayka chaku Grants Pass. Nayka klatawa Regal Lodge  kapa iskum tenas
moosum haws. Nayka ulu, alta klatawa konoway ka Grants Pass - konoway
muckamuck haws yaka ikpooie. Nayka klatawa Denny's laly munk ikpooie. BGs
ikpooie. Tenas laly alqi, nayka klatawa kapa ARCO AM PM kah nyaka mahkook
moxt kull laToosh pi moosmoos kapa muckamuck. Nayka klatawa tenas moosum
haws, muckamuck pi moosum.

(Later I come to Grants Pass. I go to the Regal Lodge and get a room. I'm
hungry, I go all over Grants Pass - and every single restaurant is closed. I
get to Denny's at the time they are closing. BGs is closed. A little later I
go to the ARCO AM PM where I buy two cheeseburgers to eat. I go back to my
room, eat and sleep.)

Wegt ya?im aLqi.

(More story later)

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