Russian sources?

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Tue Feb 2 05:50:12 UTC 1999

At 10:17 AM 1/13/99 -0800, David Robertson wrote:
>Lhush san, kanawi-lhaksta,
>Here's a question I've never seen addressed in the literature.
>Are there any known (preferably published!) journals of the Russian
>explorers and traders on the Pacific coast of America, mentioning
>information more or less closely tied to the Chinook Jargon and its
>Native "donor" languages?
>Of course, I could take this to the Library of Congress site, research it
>at an academic library, or access an appropriate history listserv; but
>since you're here, I'm asking this group of experts.
>My russky is rusty, but I'd be eager to read the originals and translate
>them if there is relevant material of this sort available.

Hopefully our new friend Khabirov can help us with this.  The other tack is
to e-mail the Universities in Moscow or St. Petersburg asking for records
of the Russian America Company and any surviving scientific papers or
travelogues concerning Russian America.....

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