Anyone got Hancock?

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Fri Feb 12 02:38:20 UTC 1999

Hi.  I spent some of the afternoon at the VPL (Vancouver Public Library)
nosing around in what they had on hand there in the way of Jargon
materials.  Usual things - Shaw, Harper, Gibbs, etc.  But also a 1972 paper
by Ian F. Hancock entitled "A list of Place Names in the Pacific Northwest
Derived from the Chinook Jargon; with a wordlist of the language).  Seems
to be a Vancouver Public Library publication; really just a bookbound
Gestetner or old photocopy.  So I copied it.....

The placenames list is pretty good, and probably even includes some you
Boston might have missed out on; I can repro it here if you'd like.  The
intro is fairly interesting, and the wordlist (totalling 745 words)
contains a number of things that I haven't seen before - although it's all
in IPA, or what looks like IPA.  There is also a list of words still
then-current (1972) in British Columbia English.  As far as the Jargon
wordlist goes, Hancock says that he used Jacobs as a guideline for the
phoneticization; too bad, since he was publishing in BC, that he didn't
seek out some surviving Jargon-speakers here and record _their_

Is this fairly common in the libraries in your areas?  If not, d'ya wanna
copy?  I think the easiest thing if you did is for me to scan it as an
image or fax file and send it to you in that format via e-mail.  The old
typewriter typeface doesn't OCR well (as I just found out), and the IPA
won't show up in OCR'ing anyway.  I can zip it so the file isn't too

While I was in the VPL I also had a quick glance at the Carrier and Nuxalk
(Bella Coola) dictionaries and grammars (which were next to the CJ stuff).
Nuxalk has lalahm, laplit, and leglis - presumably taken from the Jargon,
rather than introduced from French - as well as "lapayaak" for rubber
gloves, which may not be of French/CJ origin.  Carrier, as I expected, has
a vast array of French loanwords; and in this case I think it has to be
questioned whether these are CJ borrowings, or simply the same borrowings
from French that CJ makes; I didn't have time to copy the "L" section
(where all the la- stuff is) but it was meaty......didn't have time to look
at the Slavey and Heiltsuk and other stuff on the shelves there either......

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