Hawaiian Loanwords

R K Henderson rkhen at SOFTHOME.NET
Sat Jan 16 04:54:38 UTC 1999

"How" (or a variation thereof) is a very common interjection in First
Nations languages the continent over. The "ho" in Idaho is reportedly a
Shoshone verbal exclamation point; the word itself is apparently
descended from the Shoshone wake-up call, "Sun's up!" (I don't speak
Shoshone; I read this somewhere.)

In Flathead (and, incidently, in my grandfather's Jargon) the word for
"hello," "head's up," "what the hell?" or "anybody home?" is Eh-heh! (My
spelling; sounds very like a throat clearing.) The response is Wa-heh!
The "heh" in both is related to the "ho" in Idaho, and ultimately to
Hollywood's "how." I have also heard (again, unconfirmed) that in some
Cree traditions, "how-how!" signifies agreement, sort of like saying,

So, to bring this home, it may well be that the "how" in "Klahowya" is
related to the the Hollywood "how". Now that I think if it, "nowitka!"
and "annah!" might also be distantly related, and I'm positive "hwah!" is
the same word as 'ho', 'how,' and 'heh'.


RK Henderson
Writer and Photographer

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