Barneby re possible CJ loan / calque into BC English

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Fri Jan 22 03:34:46 UTC 1999


Barneby, W. Henry, "Life and labour in the far, far West".  London:
Cassell, 1884.

* page 131:  'Cowichan has a very "settled" appearance, it stands in a
pleasant valley which runs down to the "Salt Water", and it is nicely
backed up by mountains.'

Why does he put the phrase into quotation marks?  A calque (loan
translation) from Chinook Jargon?  Any earlier evidence?  The question is
made more opaque by the fact that one of course can already refer to salt
water in English.  Yet it's relatively rare to use this phrase as a common
label for the sea; one usually refers to salt water as to a substance, no,
and not a place?

Again, hmmm.

Best from

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