Lumping: 4 sources with dollops of CJ

Liland Brajant ROS' lilandbr at SCN.ORG
Sun Jan 31 06:35:11 UTC 1999

>>> 	*page 33:  'It is known to the Indians as "Chinook", "tyee" and
>>> 	"quinnat", to others as the Columbia salmon, the Sacramento and
>>> 	King Salmon.'
>>	[Nadja Adolf]
>>	The salmon is still known as the Chinook in the Northwest. I was
>>      confused when I saw it labelled "King" in California.
>Waitaminit.  I thought a "King" salmon was what we call in BC a "sockeye".
>"Tyee" in BC is only a very large Chinook (30 lb plus), and the term is
>usually only used in the Campbell River-Johnstone Strait-Queen Charlotte
>Strait area.

Seattle-raised pasted (i.e. Boston) here.  As a child I learned
"Chinook", "King" and "Tyee" as synonyms, quite distinct from the Sockeye
(which has a weird-looking head and extremely red flesh).  I've rarely
actually *heard* anybody call a salmon "Tyee", but the other two terms
are in current use hereabouts.  "Columbia" with reference to Salmon I
would take to mean where it came from (like "Copper River" or
"farm-raised"), not what kind it was (like "king" or "chum"). And
"Sacramento" has *nothing* to do with salmon in my lexicon!

The other bit of childhood salmon synonymy I embrain (I made that word
up, just now!) is "silver = coho".

And my first referent (historically) for "Tyee" was actually the
University of Washington (whence both my parents graduated) yearbook.

Factually yours, klahowyam,


Liland Brajant Ros' * UEA-D, Seatlo Usono * FD Baptismo, AA, US-lit-ro
      204 N 39th St / Seattle WA 98103 Usono | tel 206-633-2434
    lilandbr at / lilandbr at / lbrnpusa at
        webpage "La Lilandejo" -

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