Web page inquiry

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Sun Jan 17 05:18:20 UTC 1999


The sentence for which translation into CJ was requested struck me as
pretty dependent on context.  To say the least, in a language which marks
tense as ChInuk Wawa does, I reckon one would need to do a lot of
paraphrasing, or more accurately put, explaining.

"KwanEsEm anqEti may mIlhayt yEkwa; wEXt alta may mIlhayt yEkwa; pi
may tIki alhqi tl'unEs-qhanchi mIlhayt yEkwa."

As has been hinted, the English original is a pretty "poetic" use of
language, and those of us who have practiced dentistry with
pliers, er, translated poetry, often have stories of the lengths to which
one sometimes goes to restate a beautiful idea in another language.

Khakwa nay tEmtEm.

amigo e' coisa pra se guardar	|	may shiks, khakwa lhush Iktas
				|		yaxka,
debaixo de sete chaves,		|	lhush pus wek may tulu yaxka;	
assim falava a canc,a~o		|	khakwa ya wawa uk shantey
que na Ame'rica ouvi		|	nay kw'Elan khapa BastEn IlIhi.

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