makwst chInUk wawa c!Em-pipa khapa 'linguistics' lu7lu

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Tue Jul 27 02:47:44 UTC 1999


mun chaku, khapa Kamloops BC, nayka tEmtEm uk Zvjezdana Vrzic yaka palach
i:xt pipa khapa chInUk wawa khapa ukuk "34th International Conference on
Salish and Neighbouring Languages".

pi pus nayka mamunk hayuuuuu, Henry Davis pi nayka palach wEXt i:xt pipa
khapa chInUk pi "lilwat selish" wawa yawa.

(Next month, in Kamloops BC, Zvjezdana Vrzic is to give a paper about
Chinook Jargon, I believe, at the 34th ICSNL.  And if I work a *lot*,
Henry Davis and I will be presenting a paper about Chinook Jargon and
Lillooet Salish.)

You linguists may be interested.

Cheers,  LaXayEm,

 *VISIT the archives of the CHINOOK jargon and the SALISHAN & neighboring*
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