Pri: Beaver (ekse Re: skookum)...the humorless need not read this

Mike Cleven mike_cleven at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 8 22:26:02 UTC 2000

>From: David Robertson <drobert at>
>On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Mike Cleven wrote:
> > "The beaver is the Canadian national animal because it's a fat little
> > fur-coated critter that rarely leaves its own valley, content to chop
> > trees and build dams and hunker down with the family for the winter;
> > foreigners come and skin it alive....."
> >
> > which is why it's on the nickel and not the dollar, I guess.
>Aa, pi alta khakwa, pus-Ikta uk pIldEn-kElEkElE mIlhayt khapa mEsayka
>KInchoch tala-chIkEmIn, eh?

[ah - and that's how the Canada goose is on the Canadian dollar, eh?]

A fat greasy bird that flies through the northern skies getting shot down by
Yankee hunters?  That would be why Boeing moved to Seattle from Vancouver in
1919, yes?

[just curious - why the GR-Wawa 'pIldEn' prefacing 'goose'; i.e. what's
pIldEn; I heard "piltdown" and I know that Canucks are rather primordial at
times, BUT.....]  [and I gather using "eh?" as a final interjection is
fittingly Jargonesque, wake nah?]


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