This may be highly offensive... so read with caution

Nadja Adolf nadolf at SPYGLASS.COM
Wed Feb 2 22:21:38 UTC 2000

I wandered out on to a certain website and read some trash
about extinct peoples. Being in a flamey mood, I felt Mr.
Rubin deserved a missive from WonderWimp.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Nadja Adolf
> Sent:	Wednesday, February 02, 2000 2:19 PM
> To:	'rickrubin at'
> Subject:	Question
> BTW, your book is really interesting - I had never realized that
> 55% of the Quinault reservation was occupied by an extinct people.
> When I informed several of my friends that they were
> extinct, they actually stopped, started at me, and
> begged to differ. Perhaps you'd be willing
> to go to Quinault and explain their extinction to them - they
> keep insisting that they are alive, well, and following many traditions
> and haven't recognized a fact that is clearly obvious to a white
> writer such as yourself.
> nadja

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