Nay tolodolla pittuk lacaset (My work computer)

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Thu Feb 10 03:07:17 UTC 2000

Nadja Adolf wrote:
> Microsoft Office mitwhit nay tolodolla pittuck.
> Microsoft Office yaka iskum "Office Assistant"
> kapa munk elan.
> Office Assistant yaka hyiu hee hee. Spose maika tikki,
> maika munk Office Assistant huolima iktas.
> Ikt "clipit", chikamin kapa pepah.
> Moxt, "Dot", hyas lebal.
> Wegt Links, tenas pusspuss pe Rocky, tenas kamooks.
> Ana! Halo konaway kumtux kata munk nay tikki munk!
> Microsoft Office is on my work computer. Microsoft
> Office has an "Office Assistant" to help you.

Naika hyas tikegh mamook memaloose okook "office assistant".  Hiyu
cultus mamook!!!!!

> The Office Assistant is a lot of fun. If you want, you
> can make it into different things. First, is clipit, a paper
> clip. Second is Dot, a big ball, there are also Links, a little
> cat, and Rocky a little dog.
> Ouch. None of them know how to do what I want to do!

Nawikta.  Okook kahkwa naika tikegh wake.

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