Nay tolodolla pittuk lacaset (My work computer)

Nadja Adolf nadolf at SPYGLASS.COM
Thu Feb 10 00:21:26 UTC 2000

Microsoft Office mitwhit nay tolodolla pittuck.
Microsoft Office yaka iskum "Office Assistant"
kapa munk elan.

Office Assistant yaka hyiu hee hee. Spose maika tikki,
maika munk Office Assistant huolima iktas.

Ikt "clipit", chikamin kapa pepah.
Moxt, "Dot", hyas lebal.
Wegt Links, tenas pusspuss pe Rocky, tenas kamooks.

Ana! Halo konaway kumtux kata munk nay tikki munk!

Microsoft Office is on my work computer. Microsoft
Office has an "Office Assistant" to help you.

The Office Assistant is a lot of fun. If you want, you
can make it into different things. First, is clipit, a paper
clip. Second is Dot, a big ball, there are also Links, a little
cat, and Rocky a little dog.

Ouch. None of them know how to do what I want to do!

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