another book

David Lewis coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Mon Jan 31 17:35:33 UTC 2000

Thanks for the recommendation Dave,
I am reading another book, _Decolonizing Methodologies_: Research and
Indigenous Peoples_ by Linda Tuhiwai Smith, 1999.
She is Maori. This is a book about Indigenous research from an Indigenous
perspective. For all those wishing to know the lowdown of most of the
issues which Indigenous peoples have with researchers, this is a must-read.
She is writing to an Indigenous audience firstly, and to the academic
audience secondly. I have not finished this book yet but the first quarter
of the book discusses various aspects of decolonizing methodologies, like
the title, and how to write from the indigenous perspective. Sections include:

Imperialism, history, writing, theory
On being human
Writing history and theory
is history important for indigenous peoples?
Contested histories
Is writing important for indigenous peoples?
Writing theory
Research through Imperial eyes
The cultural formations of Western research
The Intersections of race and gender
Conceptualizations of the Individual and society
Conceptions of space
Conceptions of time
Colonizing Knowledges
Establishing the Positional superiority of Western Knowledge
colonizing the disciplines
Colonialism and "Native" intellectuals
The 'authentic, essentialist, deeply spiritual' Other

And the list goes on....
This is definitely an important work which will become more important as
people discover it.
This is an important work for anyone who wishes to understand more of the
Indigenous perspective and wants to work with indigenous peoples. It has
broad spectrum application across most Indigenous, colonized, imperialized
I bought it from for $28, and received it within five
days of ordering.

               David Lewis
         P.O. Box 3086
Eugene, OR 97403, USA
541.684.9003  Cell 541.954.2466
talapus at, coyotez at,

Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Oregon

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