Another small translation practice

Dave Robertson tuktiwawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Fri Nov 10 06:26:59 UTC 2000


1 Patlach kanawi ukuk
2 tkop man kopa nsaika, pi wik msaika mimlus, pi nsaika
3 patlach makmak kopa msaika.  Pus wik msaika mamuk
4 kakwa, alki nsaika mamuk kat* msaika itluil kanawi kah
5       pi msaika kluchmin pi msaika tanas.

*kat = "cut"

Klaksta iaka tiki mamuk boston ukuk?  Who wants to translate this?  This is
taken from a 1902 issue of _Kamlups Wawa_, with extremely small changes
(such as transcribing it from shorthand!) made for legibility.

Background:  This text was originally written in Chinese on pieces of paper
attached to arrows shot into a besieged church during the Boxer Rebellion.
There were apparently thousands of Chinese Christians in the church
precincts with the non-Chinese priests, nuns, and so on.  Their food was
nearly gone by the time this note was written.

I will also be posting translations of the two brief texts posted several
days ago.  It's good to see that some of you have been working on figuring
out what they mean!

Tlus pulakli,

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