Is the group becoming invitation only?

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Mon Aug 13 12:37:28 UTC 2001

Nadja Adolf wrote:
> OK.
> Here it is folks.
> This group is starting to look like it is exclusive invitation only.

How so?  It is no longer moderated (although SALISHAN-L is) and
"invitation" is by self-invite, i.e. "write something and hit 'send'".
How can this be an "exclusion" process?  All it takes is to take part.
Even _I've_ tried to keep up with this, although given the attempts to
exclude _me_ last year I'm wary of addressing cultural or historic
topics that might offend either the linguists-only or the PC-only types.
CHINOOK is a community, and it's constantly interesting who shows up
anew.  What I'm curious here, Nadja, is how you can say that you feel
excluded when it's been months since you've contributed anything
> First, last year - and this - no one sent an annoucment for Jeff Kopp
> to put on his server. So, a lot of folks never quite got clear where,
> how, when, and to whom to make reservations for the Lu?lu this year.

You haven't been reading the list, then; I remember a string of
announcements in the list during July and June, including discussions of
driving times/routes, etc.  No one sent _me_ an announcement for my
site, either (now at, but I don't see the point
anyway, since the community is manifested in the list, not on anyone's
> I for one, probably could *not* have made it - but had more information
> been forthcoming, I would have made the *effort.*

I _did_ have the information, but couldn't make it, effort or not.  I'm
still amazed that you didn't get the postings on the list....
> What ever happened to the dictionary that was supposed to be published by
> Dave? The one that was supposed to be coming from GR? Not word one all
> year, from what I can tell - was anything published?

I imagine if Dave had had funding so he could spend all his time on the
dictionary, it would be done by now.  Same as with my website, or Jim's
book, or anyone's.  It's not as if there's a magic wand that makes
things appear out of thin air, is there? Everything takes time,
including the rest of life....

> What happened to Jim's dictionary?
> I guess I'm so frustrated that, like Jeff, I just sort of assume that
> we're not really part of the group anymore, and that it has moved on to
> more rarified types.

What do you mean "rarified" [sic]?  Are you meaning "elitist"?  If so,
how so?  If you don't like the silence in the group, then SPEAK UP AND
SAY SOMETHING.  Not about how disappointed you are that everyone's so
quiet (_I_ was shouted down repeatedly, remember?) but actually
contribute something original of your own, whether tabletalk or related
info that you've found out in your studies.

> I'm really irked though, that I spent all that time studying and working on
> jargon - because had I known this was gonna get rarified, I'd have stuck to
> something like Arabic.

Arabic's hardly rarefied, being one of the more widely-spoken literate
(and extremely complex) languages on the planet.  If you've been
studying and working on the jargon, why not share this experiene with
the list, instead of complaining that the list is "rarified" (whatever
that's supposed to mean....).


Mike Cleven

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