Fwd: Long drive between Chilliwack & Neah

Theresa Kishkan tkishkan at UNISERVE.COM
Wed Jun 13 00:32:52 UTC 2001

On a recent flight back from Ireland, I was asked by our Canadian Customs
officer why I'd gone to Ireland. Pleasure, I said, and research for a novel.
He got very suspicious and wanted to know who employs me (self, I replied)
and what I'd paid for my ticket and if anyone had asked me to bring anything
back (to which I replied that my daughter had asked for Irish chocolate...).
No sten guns or propaganda....I thought it was just me!

>Well, gee, Henry, if  you'd just try to look more professional....
>At 3:41 PM -0700 6/12/01, zenk at USWESTMAIL.NET wrote:
>(Another thing about the border:  maybe it's just me fitting the profile,
>but I am almost always searched down to my shaving kit.)
Theresa Kishkan
RR1 Site 20 C11
Madeira Park, B.C.
V0N 2H0
Red Laredo Boots (1996); Sisters of Grass (2000); Inishbream (2001)

"What secrets do the hills contain in their suede hollows, what mysteries
are lifted from the stones in the unbearable stillness of morning?"

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