Nauits Kalakala kumtux hiyu iktas

Nadja Adolf nadja at NODE.COM
Tue Aug 27 23:02:15 UTC 2002

(The seagull knows many things)

Wake nauits kalakala pelton. Okoke kalakala iskum kumtux hyak-hyak.

The seagull (beach bird) is not stupid. That bird learns very fast.

Okoke kalakala munk mesachie khopa konaway saghalie boats. Shipman, wake
klaska chako kwan kunish mamook haul wash klaska boat.

That bird makes filth all over boats. Sailors become unhappy when they have
to wash their boats.

Wake ahnkuttie laly, ikt shipman pittuck siah laly. Yaka iskum piah kullihan
khopa moos-moos pi mahsh saghalie yaka boat.

Not long ago, a sailor thought a long time. He got an electric fence for
cattle and put it on his boat.

Piah kullihan saghalie boat kullihan. Hiyu nauits kalakala chako keekwullie
khopa boat pi mitwhit khopa boat kullihan. Klaska chako kokshut khopa piah pi
chako halo kwan.

The electric fence was on the boat rail. Many sea gulls came down to the
boat and sat on the boat rail. They were shocked by the charge and became

Ikt nauits kalakala yaka mitwhit saghalie ikt lepee pi wake yaka kokshut.

One seagull raised one foot and he didn't get shocked.

Tenas laly, konaway nauits kalakala mitwhit khopa boat kullihan pi
klaska mitwhit saghalie ikt lepee kunsih chako piah kokshut. Klaska
delate kahkwa myeena tanse klootsman.

Soon all the seagulls standing on the boat rail raise one leg when the
shock comes. They were like dancing chorus girls.

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