CHINOOK JARGON GATHERING: weekend of Oct. 11th @ Grand Ronde, Oregon

David D. Robertson ddr11 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Aug 30 22:55:32 UTC 2002


The 5th annual Chinook Jargon Gathering, or Chinuk-Wawa Lu7lu, is set to
happen at Grand Ronde, Oregon on the weekend of (Friday) October 11th.

The anticipated highlight of this gathering is the students of the new
Grand Ronde tribal "immersion" program in the Chinook Jargon language.
Come learn more about this landmark effort to keep Jargon being learned by
new generations, and hear the kids show off their progress to date.

There are plans to play stickgame / slahal, which is a good opportunity to
use your traditional luck songs in Jargon...or sing a new one.

There'll be opportunities, as always, to practice your Chinook on willing
listeners.  We'll also get a few lessons in how to talk Jargon like the
oleman tillicums (ancestors and elders).

Will there be a souvenir T-shirt?  Stay tuned...  :-)



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